You can take a free academic writing course presented on Coursera. Free academic writing courses in English are available on the open-course platform Future Learn. You can find such a course online and practice at your own pace at a time convenient for you. Tips That Will Help You Get a Job at EssayShark Take a course in academic writing You can find a distance course and learn academic writing from the comfort of your home. Customers can see the number of times when pointing to the award sign. In addition, although some awards are presented on an ongoing basis, a writer can get the same award multiple times. A writer can get a permanent or temporary award. Awards The awards system was created to honor writers who are productive and maintain the best quality in each paper sample they write. This list is updated with each new order – that’s why the information is always up to date. On their top writers page, they have a consolidated list of writers with the highest ratings with their awards and backlog listed next to every writer’s nickname. In this way, you will be able to determine if the writer will actually meet your requirements. With help of this method, writers can get good ratings from all but one client, but by viewing the comments in a writer’s profile, you can see why a writer has a low rating. A rating on a scale from 1 to 10 is accompanied by comments. At the last stage of the order approval and payment completion, each client must evaluate their author. Rating The rating is the average of all evaluations received from all clients with whom the writer has worked. Both of these innovations are designed to make it easier for clients to choose a writer who can write a great paper sample for them. Moreover, there is a reward system so that you can see all writers’ achievements. All clients can rate the writers they have worked with.

That is why they have introduced a rating system. However, sometimes just knowing a writer’s specialization is not enough to make the right decision when you have multiple writers’ bids for your order. You Will Have a Rating and Awards On, they hire writers who specialize in a variety of fields and disciplines. Work when it suits you: in the evenings, on weekends, around the clock. Getting bonuses for productivity and hard work. The opportunity to get paid twice a month is the most convenient way for you. The opportunity to set the price you want per page while bidding. What You Will Get as a Writer The opportunity to bid on hundreds of orders. Relevant experience on academic writing is advisable. Possess an academic degree – you will have to provide proof. Know rules and standards of the English language. Requirements for the Applicant Have strong writing skills. A special team will check if you are ready to start working on EssayShark. Prepare and improve your English before the test. Get an Account in Four Steps Register and fill out the profile. If you can write well and want to earn from it, you should join their team.

You can work from home at a time that suits you. If you want to get paid to write essays, you should become a writer on EssayShark.