Postal 2 udk
Postal 2 udk

Imprint” requires putting the LBC index on the back of the title page in the upper left corner under the UDC index (in a separate line) and in the layout of the annotated catalog card. LBC is designed to organize library collections, catalogs and file cabinets. LBC - Library and Bibliographic Classification - a system of domestic library classification of publications. Universal decimal classification // Scientific journals. To independently determine the UDC indices, you can use the online classifier (free access), for example: UDC Handbook. Many scientific journals require a UDC index per article for publication. Imprint” UDC index should be placed in the upper left corner of the back of the title page. In accordance with GOST R 7.0.4–2006 “Editions.

postal 2 udk

The UDC index is an obligatory element of the publication's imprint. According to UDC, one can understand the type, type of literature without reading it.

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UDC is widely used throughout the world to systematize works of science, literature and art, periodicals, and various types of documents. UDC - Universal Decimal Classification - information classification system. The classification indices of the publication are the indices of UDC, LBC and GRNTI. To publish a work (article, book, dissertation), the author must indicate the thematic section (index) of the existing classifications to which this work belongs, and the author's mark.

Postal 2 udk