Imprint” requires putting the LBC index on the back of the title page in the upper left corner under the UDC index (in a separate line) and in the layout of the annotated catalog card. LBC is designed to organize library collections, catalogs and file cabinets. LBC - Library and Bibliographic Classification - a system of domestic library classification of publications. Universal decimal classification // Scientific journals. To independently determine the UDC indices, you can use the online classifier (free access), for example: UDC Handbook. Many scientific journals require a UDC index per article for publication. Imprint” UDC index should be placed in the upper left corner of the back of the title page. In accordance with GOST R 7.0.4–2006 “Editions.

The UDC index is an obligatory element of the publication's imprint. According to UDC, one can understand the type, type of literature without reading it.

UDC is widely used throughout the world to systematize works of science, literature and art, periodicals, and various types of documents. UDC - Universal Decimal Classification - information classification system. The classification indices of the publication are the indices of UDC, LBC and GRNTI. To publish a work (article, book, dissertation), the author must indicate the thematic section (index) of the existing classifications to which this work belongs, and the author's mark.